Before embarking on a babywearing journey while pregnant, be sure to consult with your midwife or obstetrician. In most cases, if you are cleared to carry your child, you are also cleared to wear your child. If you are on pelvic bed rest or asked not to lift your child, you should obstain from wearing them. Instead, you can sit and have your child crawl into your lap for snuggles.

I've worn toddlers through two pregnancies now and this blog will share the tips and tricks that I've learned over the course of these two pregnancies. I've created videos for each main carrier types with options that I have found comfortable at various stages of pregnancy. What I've found comfortable has varied in each pregnancy and week by week during my pregnancies. It takes a little trial and error to find a comfortable carry.
Soft Structured Carriers
Mei Tais
Ring Slings
Woven Wraps

Ruck Tied Tibetan
Double Hammock Tied under the Bum
Double Hammock Tied at the Shoulder
Reinforced Rear Rebozo Ruck
Double Rebozo
Ruck Tied Under the Bum
Other Comfortable Carries
- Back Wrap Cross Carry with Ruck Straps, Tied Tibetan
- Jordan's Back Carry, Tied Tibetan
- Giselle's Back Carry, Tied Tibetan
- Reinforced Ruck, Tied Tibetan
- Double Rebozo Shoulder to Shoulder, Tied under the Bum
- Half Jordan's Back Carry